
Showing posts from September, 2017

Bran down

He he he

DEATH and the Novel

3S10: The Saving Remnant (Something Needs To Be DoneAbout The Humans) is about the much-hackneyed theme of AI-takeover (but with a unique spin, the author protests!) on the one hand, and about ‘ what is a life worth living ’, ‘ can I have a good death, please, ’ and 'why is "death" an institutional matter with loads of experts covering (having to cover) their own backs???' on the other.  It’s about death, and the denial of death, which is a denial of life (with a lot of swearing en route…). Here’s Kevin Toolis on The Matter: "In the Anglo-Saxon world, death is a whisper. Instinctively we feel we should dim the lights, lower our voices and draw the screens. We want to give the dead, dying and the grieving room. We say we do so because we don’t want to intrude. And that is true but not for these reasons. We don’t want to intrude because we don’t want to look at the mirror of our own death. We have lost our way with death" H...