Following up the earlier post on 'The Three Body Problem' (Cixin Liu), I've just ordered ‘The Dark Forest’ (The Three-Body Problem, Book 2) from Amazon, and bought the 3rd book 'Death's End' last week (it's on the waist-high books-to-be-read toppling-over heap next to the bed); I'll probably get 'The Dark Forest' off Audible to listen to in the car as well (that's 23 hrs 11 mins) .. let's see, 23hrs 11 minutes ... that'll - get me to, er, Algiers, driving at an average speed of 70mph in my supercharged Bentley, bien sur ... Anyway, reading the 'reviews' of The Dark Forest' on Amazon after viewing the current sales figures of 3S10: The Saving Remnant (Something Needs To Be Done About The Humans) on Amazon cheered me up. Some people will like your book, some will hate it, some don't give a damn either way. Just keep on pushing that plough thru...