Youth n' Asia

Terry Pratchett's unfinished novels destroyed by steamroller "The unfinished books of Sir Terry Pratchett have been destroyed by a steamroller, following the late fantasy novelist’s wishes."
"The author of over 70 novels, Pratchett was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2007.
He became an advocate for assisted dying, giving a moving lecture on the subject, Shaking Hands With Death, in 2010, and presenting a documentary for the BBC called Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die."

From 3S10: The Saving Remnant (Something Needs To Be Done About The Humans):


‘How’s Mum?’ asked Ronnie.
‘Juliette looked at him. ‘Whadya mean, “how’s Mum”?’ she said.
‘Ok, Ok, just asking,’ said Ronnie.
‘How d’ya think,’ said Juliette. ‘No escape from this one, is there. Not so much “how” as “when”. At least she’s not wandering down the middle of the road talking to herself anymore.  She can’t – the doors’re locked on the inside. And everyone’s stopped pretending she’s just “getting a little forgetful, you know”. That was a relief. And she can’t slap Anna’s children anymore. That’s a relief to Anna - and to the children.’
‘You did what you thought best,’ said Ronson.
Juliette shrugged. ‘We thought family life would be comforting to her,’ she said, ‘but she’s way beyond comfort now. Now at least she can invent her own reality minute to minute and not be confronted with ours, which she can’t understand anymore. It just makes her fearful, angry and aggressive. There – in the Unit – they call it “coping”. It means that a person has passed beyond understanding and feels benign about their new life. “Feels benign about their new life”’, she repeated. ‘It’s schluss, finis, basta, that’s what it is. Except it isn’t. Her body keeps on living.’
‘And how are you?’ he asked her.
‘Thought you’d never ask,’ she said. ‘Haven’t had flowers in, in quite a while, that I recall.’
‘D’you want -’ started Ronson.
‘Never could stand them,’ she said. ‘The perfume gives me a headache. D’you know what, Ronnie,’ she continued, ‘you’ve got a job, you’re useful to society. People smile at you. They say “good morning”, and “how are you today?”, “Have a nice day”. Smile. Nod. Recognize your presence. Me, I’m an enemy of society. Dogs bark when I walk past. The people all avert their faces and make the sign against the devil. I’ve been useful – or thought I was – for all my working life. Now I’m worse than shit. Maybe I should just …’
‘Hey,’ said Ronson, ‘come here.’ He pulled her down and sat her on his lap.
‘Now,’ he said, ‘are you writing it down?’
‘Yes, every day.’
‘Good girl. Make it into a novel. Sell it. Fuck ‘em up good and proper. Use the anger.’
Juliette stirred on his lap. ‘Ronnie, you know that “Madeira” stuff?’
‘Mad, mad, Madeira? What?’
‘Your joke that we, I should emigrate there.’
‘Ah yes. It was just a joke. Picked “Madeira” out of a hat. Anyway, you got rid of that, didn’t you. Clickbait, wasn’t it.’
‘So it’s definitely not you?’
‘Not me what?’
‘This someone, or something that keeps sending me pictures of Madeira and wants me to “accept” something or the other.’
‘Accept what? A special offer? A free holiday? Time-sharing or some hard-sell or the other?’
‘Dunno, Ronface, something about changing my life or something. And some acronym: SVR or something or the other.’
‘Acronyms, huh? Blimey, sounds well weird. No, definitely not me. Maybe they are watching you. Well, I’m sure they are. Did you click on the link?’
‘No. I wasn’t born yesterday.’
‘Well, don’t. The tricks they use nowadays…’
She got up.

‘Hey, Match of the Day time,’ he said. ‘Don’t tell me. Three-nil. What a bunch of losers. Dunno why I support them.’


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